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Her Spirit-Led Work Week

Uncategorized Dec 18, 2022

Weekly Confession

I am led by the Spirit of God in every area of My Life. This week is a week to be Spirit-Led in your work. Take the challenge of being Spirit Led at work this week.


Her Spirit-Led Work Week...

I am no stranger to Corporate America or being a CEO; however I was a stranger to possessing a critical mindset, Spirit-Led Work Weeks! The idea is based on the belief that God will guide you to make better choices on how to use your time and resources each day.

Some of my most admirable Spiritual leaders have been practicing this method for thousands of years with great success. They believe that when they follow God’s leading they are more effective in their calling, whether it’s teaching at church or selling real estate during the week (or both). In addition, they also recognize how important it is to maintain balance throughout their lives as well as balance between work life and family life. This means having time off from work so that there's no burnout or feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities because everything gets done but not necessarily at its best level of quality due to fatigue from working too hard all day long every single day during regular business hours between Monday through Friday only."


Day 1: Spirit-Led Planning (is this is possible)...

The first day of the Spirit-Led Work Week is all about creating a plan. Planning is different from scheduling (which we'll get to in Day 2).

The first step in planning is setting goals. You may have heard that it's important to set goals, but you might not have thought of why or how they can be helpful. Setting clear and measurable goals will help you manage your time better and keep you focused on what's important to you. It also helps define your priorities so that when others try to distract us with other things, we can say no thanks—not right now.

Setting goals will help you gain clarity on what truly matters most in your life and work through some of the questions we'll talk about below: What do I want? Where am I going? Why do I want this? Why am I here? How long do I stay here? How much will it cost me not only now but later if I don't reach my goal(s)? What does success look like for me personally and professionally versus what other people think success looks like for me personally or professionally; who am "they" anyway?" Once again this process may take some time and effort but trust me it's worth it! You'll thank yourself later for taking the time now rather than rushing into something without considering all options available at hand!


Day 2: Your Design >> God knows it!

If you’re like most people, your life probably has a few things about it that are less than ideal. Maybe you have a bad relationship with someone, or maybe you feel stuck in your job and can’t see yourself ever leaving it behind for another career path.

If this is the case, then God knows exactly what needs to change to get you where He wants you to be—and He also knows how to make those changes happen!

You might think this sounds too simple or “too spiritual” for real life, but if there was one thing I learned...it’s that God really does have our best interests at heart when it comes to our paths in life—even more so than we do ourselves! And because of this love for us shown by our heavenly Father through Christ Jesus (John 3:16), He wants us all to experience the fulfillment of being led by His Spirit each day of our lives so that no matter where we go or what we do; no matter who comes into our lives; no matter what mistakes we make along the way…we will always know peace within because His presence will guide us every step along each journey.


Day 3: Productivity and Procrastination...The P Word

You will be surprised by how much you can accomplish if you are just willing to work hard and stay focused. In this section, I'll give you some practical tips on how to manage your time well, so that you will have more time in your work week for the things that matter most. You'll also learn some tools and techniques to help keep yourself on task throughout your day.


Day 4: Managing Time Well (shift your mindset...)

Time management is a skill that can be learned. Like any other skill, it involves practice and patience. Here are some ways to make the most of your time as you work through your spirit-led work week:

  • Plan ahead! Planning ahead is crucial for managing your time well. The more prepared you are for what's coming up, the less stressful Monday-morning crises will be. It's also important to plan out how much time each task will take and how much "wiggle room" you'll have in case something unexpected comes up. For example, if I'm writing course content on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 am until noon, I may schedule another meeting / task back-to-back so I don't spend too long writing each day—but if someone cancels / something happens with kiddos, at the last minute or someone needs extra help with something else (which happens often), then I have time built into my schedule where no one else has asked me for anything yet—and that means there's less chance of them needing me later than expected! THIS IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS!! 


Day 5: Planning Mindset Shifts >> Spirit-Led Tip 

Mindset shift: A mindset shift is a change in your mindset. It's a new way of thinking, feeling, and acting that can lead to a better tomorrow. You might be surprised at how simple changes in your daily habits can help transform you into the person you want to be.

In this section we'll discuss five shifts that will help you become more productive and successful:

  • Change Your Mindset About Time Management

  • Change Your Mindset About Success

  • Change Your Mindset About What Matters Most

  • Change Your Mindset About Training & Development (Learning)

  • Change Your Mindset About A Spirit-Led Lifestyle

I am led by the Spirit of God in every area of My Life. This week is a week to be Spirit-Led in your work. Take the challenge of being Spirit Led at work this week. - Confession


Let's Tie The Bow Around The Box...In Conclusion

I encourage you to take this challenge and be Spirit Led at work. The word “leader” comes from the word “lead” and there will never be a better time than now to lead yourself and others in the right direction. Take this week to be Spirit Led in all aspects of your life and I promise that you will see an increase in productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Writer, Caren Williford 


Slay On Sundays With God, Like a Boss!

Sundays can make or break the productivity of your week.
Join us every Sunday morning to make the rest of your week smoother and more efficient. 

Say goodbye to feeling behind on Monday...and hello to setting yourself up for success on Sunday.

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